About us

The Restoration at The Well was founded by the Wheelers in the summer of 2021. Our leaders want all of God's people to be restored and drink at the well that will never have us thirst again!
The Wheelers’ cornerstone for creating The Restoration at The Well is to walk in their Statement of Faith and to nurture, building a strong Biblical foundation, that will help people universally. The Wheeler’s calling is to introduce others to Christ, leading to a healthy Godly relationship and to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because of their love for people, the church’s mantle is to go between hedges and highways to proclaim the Gospel and win souls for Christ.
They stand firm that anything is possible with our Lord and Savior. Our leaders have worked diligently to help their sheep understand God’s word and his everlasting, unconditional love. The leaders of RTW welcome you to join our loving church family.
Pastors Sean & Yvette Wheeler
Senior Leaders